‘Like prisoners of war…treated like an animal’: Cleveland kidnap victims’ diaries reveal how Ariel Castro tormented captives
Thomas J. Sheeran And Andrew Welsh-Huggins, Associated Press | 13/08/01 | Last Updated: 13/08/01 12:28 PM ET

Tony Dejak / AP Sheriff's
deputies set in place a model of the house on Seymour Ave. where Ariel
Castro held three women Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013, in Cleveland. Three
months after an Ohio woman kicked out part of a door to end nearly a
decade of captivity, Castro, a onetime school bus driver faces
sentencing for kidnapping three women and subjecting them to years of
sexual and physical abuse.
Prosecutors detailed Ariel Castro’s assaults and law enforcement witnesses described the jury-rigged prison he built in his ramshackle home. With the possibility of the death penalty for a forced miscarriage taken off the table, Castro stands to get life in prison plus 1,000 years.
FBI agent Andrew Burke said Castro turned his house into a prison by creating a makeshift alarm system and chaining them inside bolted bedrooms.
Bedroom windows were boarded shut from the inside with heavy closet doors and doorknobs had been removed and replaced with multiple locks, he said. The house was divided in ways to make it more secure and to hide the existence of rooms, he said.
Prosecutors set-up a dollhouse-like replica of Castro’s house in the courtroom to show how he kept the women trapped for years, and isolated from each other.

AP Photo/Tony Dejak Ariel
Castro listens in the courtroom during the sentencing phase Thursday,
Aug. 1, 2013, in Cleveland. Defense attorney's Craig Weintraub, left,
and Jaye Schlachet sit beside Castro.
The letter written by Castro was found in his home and shown in court. It read “Confession and Details” at the top.
Castro, in leg chains and a orange prison jumpsuit, listened to the testimony expressionless.
Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Detective Dave Jacobs said he talked with Castro a few days after the women escaped and that Castro said, “I knew what I did was wrong.”
Early in the hearing, Castro tried to apologize to the victims, but after speaking with the judge said he would do that later in the proceeding.
A police officer who helped rescue the women said one was reluctant to come out of her room even when she saw the officers. They were scared even after they were taken out of the house and quickly began sharing details about the horrors they went through, saying that they had been starved and beaten.
“They were just shouting out a lot of things,” said Cleveland police officer Barb Johnson. She described the women as thin, pale and scared.

AP Photo/Tony DejakAriel Castro rubs his nose in the courtroom during the sentencing phase Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013, in Cleveland.
Cuyahoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty said in a sentencing memorandum filed Wednesday that Castro, who fed his captives only one meal a day, “admits his disgusting and inhuman conduct” but “remains remorseless for his actions.”
The memorandum described a diary kept by one of the women.
“The entries speak of forced sexual conduct, of being locked in a dark room, of anticipating the next session of abuse, of the dreams of someday escaping and being reunited with family, of being chained to a wall, of being held like a prisoner of war … of being treated like an animal,” it says.
Amanda Berry’s diary was addressed to her mother, the Daily Mail reported.
“After her mom died, she “wrote to her mother in heaven, seeking to soothe her mother” and praying for deliverance and the health of her daughter who Castro fathered,” the newspaper writes.
The memorandum says the three women continued to observe holidays and events from inside captivity, if though they were “removed from the outside world.”
The sentencing could take up to four hours, court officials said, with Castro, his attorneys, his victims and prosecution witnesses getting a chance to speak. The legal team representing the women’s interests declined to comment on whether they would testify or send statements to the court.

Handout This
frame grab combo from a July 2, 2013 video courtesy of Hennes Paynter
Communications shows (right to left) Amanda Berry, Michelle Knight and
Gina de Jesus as they speak at the law offices of Jones Day in
Cleveland, Ohio.
The women quickly escaped after Amanda Berry kicked out the door panel on May 6 and Castro was arrested within hours. The women disappeared separately between 2002 and 2004, when they were 14, 16 and 20 years old.
Some horrific details of the women’s ordeal had already emerged, including tales of being chained to poles in the basement or a bedroom heater or inside a van, with one woman forced to wear a motorcycle helmet while chained in the basement and, after she tried to escape, having a vacuum cord wrapped around her neck.

Mark Duncan / AP files A 10-foot chain link fence surrounds the home of Ariel Castro in Cleveland.
He forced the same woman on threat of death to safely deliver the child he fathered with another victim on Christmas Day 2006. The same day, prosecutors say, Castro raped the woman who helped deliver his daughter.
As part of his plea deal, Castro was to receive a sentence of life with no chance of parole for aggravated murder in the forced miscarriage. He would then receive 1,000 years for the kidnapping, rape, assault and other charges.
Berry, 27, made a surprise onstage appearance at a rap concert last weekend, and a second victim, Gina DeJesus, 23, has made a few televised comments. Knight, 32, appeared with Berry and DeJesus in a video in early July thanking the community for its support.
Knight, the first of three to disappear, also sent police a handwritten letter thanking them for their help collecting cards and gifts for the women. In the note, Knight told Second District Cmdr. Keith Sulzer, “Life is tough, but I’m tougher!”
With files from National Post staff
Labels: Atrocities, United States
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