
Blog dedicated primarily to randomly selected news items; comments reflecting personal perceptions

Saturday, July 13, 2024

When the Passion of Hate Overcomes the Rational Mind

"To uphold her commitment to neutrality and non-partisanship, the lieutenant-governor will not be marching in this year's Fierte Fredericton Pride Parade."
"While Her Honour firmly opposes the oppression of all marginalized groups, including Palestinian and Jewish people, she values inclusion and supports the guiding principle that Pride is for everyone."
"All walks of life [are invited to Government House at noon on July 21, the day of the parade, for an event organized by Queer Heritage Initiative of New Brunswick and ElderPride]."
Office of New Brunswick Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy 

"Having been a community that has been historically disenfranchised ourselves, we tend to be a the front lines when another community is experiencing that kind of hatred."
"That's how it was with the Black Lives Matter movement and that is how we want it to be with Palestine."
Jenna Lyn Albert, chairperson, Fredericton Pride
There are none so blind as those who will not see. It is widely known and acknowledged and condemned that the gay and extended community of LGBTQ-2 are persona non grata in Muslim countries. In countries of the Middle East they are condemned as unnatural and an insult to God. Their very lives are in peril through threats, violence and death. Not to mention the agony of being cut off from family, clan, society and religion, the very foundation of Arab/Muslim core identity. 
Gays whose identities have been revealed stand the very real risk of being tortured, then put to death.
Yet the gay communities in the West unfailingly link themselves to the Palestinian 'plight' of self-identified victimhood, as being oppressed by a Jewish state whose presence they reject. 
A presence they claim has usurped their own rights to disputed land that just happens to be Judaean ancestral land to which Jews dispersed in their historical Roman Empire-era exile and diaspora have returned to re-establish a homeland of haven and security for Jews anywhere in the world. Palestinian terror operatives of one kind or another have embarked on terrorism, on intifadas, on campaigns of slander in their determination to destroy Israel and with it the Jews that inhabit the Jewish state. 

Those individuals and groups who 'identify' with the Palestinian 'cause' in effect commit themselves to support and uphold terrorism against Jews in the guise of antisemitic anti-Zionism. Fredericton Pride publicly stated its support with the 'pro-Palestinian' movement. As proof of its sincerity no longer will businesses with ties of any kind to Israel be able to donate to the Fredericton Pride group. They have decided to disallow groups' participation in their parade if they have any business dealings with Israel.

Among those now excluded from participating in their Pride parade are the Canadian Armed Forces and the University of New Brunswick. It is a move that celebrates inclusion for Palestinian/Arab/Muslim groups and direct exclusion for Jews and Jewish groups. Jewish LGBTQ+ members of Fredericton Pride risk their safety by attending this public event. Jews have become disposable nuisances in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack in southern Israel.

The-then government of Gaza that had long persecuted their own citizens while mounting ongoing attacks on Jews and Israel, have the support of Fredericton Pride, any one of whom would not last a day among those they claim to be obliged through empathy with their victimhood status, to honour and support, damning Jews and Israel in the process. Hamas terrorists wouldn't hesitate to draw and quarter any gays that came their way.
"Some 90 Palestinians who identify as LGBT currently live as asylum seekers in Israel after suffering discrimination in their home communities."
"Palestinian police have arrested a suspect in the killing of a 25-year-old man after his body was found decapitated in the occupied West Bank."
"LGBTQ groups in Israel, where Ahmad Abu Marhia was seeking asylum, say he had received threats because he was gay."
Facebook Ahmad Abu Marhia
Ahmad Abu Marhia  Facebook
"The City of Fredericton is committed to being an inclusive city where everyone feels valued, respected, safe, included, and where all members have equitable access to opportunities, resources, and services."
"[City government plays only a legal, bureaucratic role in the organization of the parade] related to road closures, traffic measures, permits, and any other operational impacts."
Fredericton, New Brunswick, city government

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