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Monday, August 05, 2024

Emulating, Taking Inspiration From the Third Reich

"Jews have been hated because they were poor, because they were rich, because they were not integrating, because they were integrating, because of their religion and -- when that became unacceptable -- because of their race."
"When that in turn became unacceptable, they were hated because they were stateless; when they got a state, they were hated for having it."
Douglas Murray, Political Commentator
The words “Never Again Is Now” are projected onto the Brandenburg Gate, Germany, on the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Paul Zinken—dpa/picture alliance/Getty Images
In the 1930s there arose a strangely charismatic figure born in Austria and destined to become Chancellor of Germany. A man with a vision for Germany, who dedicated himself to persuading the population that looked  up to him that clean living and expanding one's horizons led to a healthy mind which in turn would lead to a healthy, strong body. Travel, and get to know the world. Consume healthy foods and reject tobacco and alcohol. German men and women exemplified the ideal human being.

The country, however, was infested with lesser humans and their unacceptable delusion that they were German when they were really a despised, lowly race of Jews, corrupting the value of being German. The solution would be to rid Germany of their pestilential presence. And with the cooperation of all good, true German citizens it could be done, the Fuhrer would see to it. Trust me, he bellowed, I have only your best interests at heart; together we can accomplish what has never before been done!
WARSAW, 1943: SS troops bring a group of captured Jewish people, including women and young children, to a railway-station collection point for deportation to the Nazi death camps; in the background, police and soldiers can be seen watching the Warsaw Ghetto burn.  National Archives
That was then, and the benevolent dictator who espoused family values and the glory of the Aryan 'race'; the very ideal of physical perfection. Those in the Axis who gave their support to the Second World War led by Nazi Germany included Japan which Hitler declared to be 'honourary' Aryans. Nazi Germany is long gone. Another nation is taking its place. And irony of ironies, it is an Aryan race. Iranians are not Arabs; they are, however, Persian Aryans.

Ordinary Iranians have much in common with Jews and share an empathetic relationship. Their fundamentalist Islamist-fascist leaders, however do not. The theocracy that is Iran, as a result of their leadership has never been shy about publicly declaring their intention to annihilate the Jewish State. Over the decades they have assiduously gathered Shiite groups in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Qatar and Lebanon to form militias dedicated to furthering the fortunes of the Islamic Republic of Iran, of the minority Islamic Shiites, and their shared aspiration to kill Jews.

 Iran has taken up where Nazi Germany left off. They and their proxy militias represent the most heinously inhumane groups for whom mass murder is justified by religious decree. But they have their counterparts -- more 'moderate' in their declarations of Jew-hate, but equally willing to destroy the lives of Jews living among them -- in the West. Diaspora Jews have since time immemorial faced antisemitism; it is the very reason that the re-dedication of Israel as a homeland on ancestral Judaean land is of such vital importance to the world's Jews.

It is their historic heritage, their homeland, their haven, their hope for the future. Furious new waves of antisemitic vitriol have been roiling the streets of the world's capitals ever since the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas dispatched thousands of Palestinian terrorists into southern Israel for the sole purpose of bloody slaughter of Jews. Interspersed with sadistic mass rapes complete with mutilation of the girls and women being raped, to increase their pain and anguish, defiling their dignity as human beings.

The plight of the young and the old, the ill and the large civilian population that Palestinian terrorists slaughtered during the course of a single day when 1,200 innocent people were horribly tortured and murdered, another 240 taken hostage into Gaza, had its shock-effect initially. The savagery that was documented by the terrorists themselves, and the reports of witnesses failed, however, to convince those in the West that view Palestinians as underdogs, lapping up their propaganda as reality.
Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel students and activists gather for an eighth day at an encampment on the campus of McGill University in Montreal, Canada, on May 4, 2024. (Alexis Aubin / AFP)
And from that propaganda emerged a rallying for the 'human rights' of Palestinians, that slid over into admiration for the butchery committed by Hamas, explained by sanctimonious, Jew-hating academics and unions as a legitimate struggle by the underdog against colonialist 'imperialist' Jews. Europe, Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, are roiled with the marching of 'pro-Palestinian' supporters hailing the courage of Hamas terrorists, cheering the October 7 atrocities. And chanting 'Intifada' and 'Final Solution'.
Synagogues and Jewish parochial schools, private Jewish-owned businesses are fire-bombed and vandalized. University campuses are taken hostage to persuade their administrators to succumb to the demands of students, faculty and outside agitators that they divest from Israeli military investments when no such thing even exists. In turn a handful of administrators, cowering before the raucous demands of the truth-illiterate hate-mongers agree to boycott Israeli academics and universities, review their investments, and give special privileges to Palestinian students.

Hitler would be so proud.!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/canadian-crime-scene-police-line-do-not-cross.jpg
Data shows a hike in hate crimes reported in the cities with Canada's largest Jewish populations, including Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. (David Donnelly/CBC)

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