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Monday, September 23, 2024

Disentitling Israel at the International Level

"Given the current circumstances on the ground, we believe that this resolution is not a step in the right direction, as it risks potentially sowing further divisions."
"[The resolution] fails to address the immense security challenges Israel faces, including Hamas's use of the Gaza Strip as a launching pad for its rampage of killing of Israelis, while systematically using the Palestinian civilians as human shields."
"[This] assembly has once again failed to acknowledge this issue with today's vote."
Czech Republic Ambassador to the UN Jakub Kulhanek
The final result of a vote during the emergency session on the legal consequences of Israel’s actions in the Palestinian territories is shown at United Nations Headquarters in New York on Sept 18, 2024. (PHOTO / AFP)

Israel, that tiny sliver of land that the world community gave its permission to allow Jews to call its homeland, representing a fraction of its historical ancestral land base and which has been forced by its neighbours -- furious at its presence in land they claim is consecrated to a divine entity of a much later entry to the pantheon of the world's religions -- to militarily respond whenever a neighbouring country or irregular terrorist militia feels impelled to challenge its presence, suffers the ongoing indignity of UN accusations of human rights abuses.
It has been made manifestly evident that any time Israel responds to the never-ending violent assaults from its neighbours by militarily protecting itself and its citizens from their deadly force, the international community takes umbrage at the most technologically sophisticated, moral armed force in the world daring to project its determination to foil every such attack's purpose; its destruction. Israel's drubbing of its enemies when it has been provoked beyond endurance is never applauded as just, but consequentially condemned as 'just too much'. 

Israel, unique enough as the homeland of the world's great dispersal of Jews throughout history, and a modern giant of technology and innovation whose inventiveness in every sphere of human endeavour gifts itself and the world at large with forward looking human enterprise -- enriching science, medicine, agriculture, technology and education -- still becomes an object of accusatory slander; that classic syndrome of doing everything right, interpreted as disproportionately engaged in defending itself.

The United Nations General Assembly saw fit to pass 14 resolutions in condemnation of the Jewish state, fully double the entire number of condemnations of all other countries combined, in 2023 alone. Global human rights violators barely register for a chiding by the UN. Rather, countries like Iran, Venezuela, China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and Syria are either entirely bypassed for censure for their human rights violations, or face a single resolution of condemnation in an entire year.

There were 140 resolutions raised against Israel between 2015 and 2022 where the General Assembly focused on Israel; a number more than double passed against all other countries in the world combined. That states committing human rights violations barely risk a nod from the UN is commonplace. For the second time in the year that is moving toward the anniversary date of October 7 reflecting a sadistically savage pogrom by Islamist terrorists against Israel, 124 countries of the General Assembly voted in favour of the latest resolution, with 14 against and 43 abstaining.

The call was for Israel to withdraw its forces from Gaza in its pursuit of the Hamas terrorists who slaughtered over a thousand Israeli civilians, raped and mutilated Israeli girls and women before murdering them relentlessly, destroyed farming villages, setting homes on fire with entire families burning to death, and taking 240 infants, elderly, women, men, soldiers hostage back to Gaza. Many of the hostages were tortured, many murdered, and all have been kept in inhumane conditions and subjected to violations of humanity.

At no time has a resolution been tabled before the General Assembly demanding the dismantling of Palestinian terrorist groups, requiring their weapons to be set aside, that the hostages be released back to Israel, and that hostilities on the part of the terrorists cease and desist. Israel only, in its resolve to destroy the death cult that continues to ravage Israel with the clear intention of murdering as many Jews as possible -- anywhere, is held to account and judged inadequate in its response to the nonsensical and obviously biased opinion of the UN. A UN which would never impose retaliatory restrictions on any other country that had suffered such a massive loss.

Conflicts of massive offence are treated as inconvenient incidents, but Israel's right of self-defense is placed under the microscope of special 'contexts'. Terrorist entities calling openly for the destruction of Israel and the concurrent death of Jews are given no notice; it is Israel which must withdraw and make reparations. Countries like Canada which at one time could be relied upon to vote against such unjust resolutions now prefer to withhold their vote as though a national morality of 'neutrality' reigned.

Whereas a handful of courageous and morally decisive countries like the Czech Republic, clearly understanding the level of deception and hypocrisy involved will have none of it, and hold the United Nations and its anti-Israel cliques to account for their jaundiced hateful interpretation of a situation they cannot bring themselves to condemn, to the point of supporting the right of existence of a member nation which has endured the unendurable by those who wish it ill.
"In my speech at the General Assembly, I condemned the hypocrisy and bias in the United Nations, which since October 7 has passed two resolutions that failed to mention Hamas and its responsibility for the massacre last October."
"I reiterated that anyone who supports this circus is a collaborator. Every vote you cast in support of this circus fuels the violence."
"This empty show is not just an insult to the victims of October 7. It is an insult to the hostages."
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon

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