
Blog dedicated primarily to randomly selected news items; comments reflecting personal perceptions

Monday, October 05, 2009

Watcha Gonna Do?

Young men and women who haven't yet discovered their partners, either temporary, or partners-for-life, are always anxious about that. Wondering where their other half might be. And then they go looking. Although anyone can tell you it's futile. No point looking; if someone is meant to fulfill your partnering needs, he or she will amble along some time or other. When you least expect it.

It's like this: when you really want something and you're anxious to obtain it, it's elusive. It's one of those laws of nature. And when the right time comes, you'll know it. You'll end up making the impression on that other, appealing person, that you've always dreamed about. Your relationship will bloom, and you'll just enjoy one another's company so much neither of you will want to walk away.

But you can't go looking for something that might be right under your nose. At some time or other the light will come on and you'll ask yourself why you hadn't noticed before. And it's at that juncture that you begin to cozy up to someone you hardly realized was there all along. Who now, suddenly, looks attractive as all hell. The perfect mate. Reflecting all your values, presenting as perfect mating material. Just sit there, and wait.

Of course you could sit there forever, and wait. While your friends and relatives look askance at your lack of initiative. And when they indulge themselves in bringing over prospective potentials, infuriating you because you just can't believe they're so insensitive as to think you'd be interested in what they dredge up; not in a million years of rejecting the unripe and unappealing offerings; you growl and snarl at them.

And then decide to strike out on your own, for a foray into the jungle of availability. It's the way of least resistance, actually, just to keep everyone off your back. Of course, there's also that little nagging matter of your own insecurity in singledom, and your wish to 'be like everyone else'. So you join a dating club, or go on line to 'meet' someone at a dating web site, maybe even one run by your church.

This guy shows up at the appointed time and he's nice looking, and courteous, and that's a good start. He's a few years younger than you, but what the hell, you'll give it a try. It's just a date, after all. His name is Terrance McCoy, and it's remotely possible he's the real McCoy. Give it a run. His car's in for repairs so you take yours, and go off to this restaurant in Ferndale. A nice enough place.

The food wasn't bad, the conversation flowed, and he has nice green eyes, although you don't think all that much of the curly hair all over his head; is that natural, or does he get it done that way? Dinner is over, and Terry digs for his wallet, and it isn't there. So he says, damn! it must've fallen out in your car, asks for your keys and goes off to retrieve it.

And you sit there, waiting for him, musing on the fact that it's been a fairly nice first date. And you'll certainly agree to see him again, if he asks you. But will he ask you for another date? You know you're pretty attractive, you kept up a good flow of conversation, he laughed plenty and so did you. So, sure, he's likely to want to continue the conversation and the acquaintance may bloom to something a little more ... weighty.

You suddenly realize you've had lots of time to think. And wonder where the hell he's gone off to? It's not all that far to the parking lot, and surely he must have found his wallet. What's he up to? Well, oops, some experience this has been. He's driven off with your car. What the hell! But he'll get his come-uppance, never fear.

The defence attorney in the case claimed Terry to be a "very nice man who made a bad decision". Well, sure, he did seem nice enough, and that's some bad decision. Taking you and your car for a ride. He'll have plenty of time to think about it for the next two years or so, after being sentenced in Oakland Country Circuit Court.


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