Astrophoto: Venus Rises in the Ashes of Comets
Sunday, July 21, 2013, at 8:00 AM
There are so many things to love about astronomy, but one of my
favorites is when science and beauty merge and become one. The beauty is
what first captures your attention, and the science is what makes you
look closer and stay enraptured.
May I present to you my evidence: Venus rising into a beam of zodiacal light:

Venus in the spotlight. You absolutely want to click this to cythereanate.
Photo by Rudi Dobesberger, used by permission
Photo by Rudi Dobesberger, used by permission
This photo was taken by astrophotographer Rudi Dobesberger, who has dozens upon dozens of similarly stunning pictures on his site (and more jaw-droppers on 500px).
He took this photo on Nov. 16, 2012, in the early morning at Kalkalpen
National Park in Austria. The sky was very dark; the glow on the left is
Vienna (which was 150 km (90 miles) away), and Graz on the right (110
km/70 miles distant). Fog blankets lights from the town in the
foreground, further damping light pollution.
Which was a wonderful happenstance, because it allowed the normally-invisible light of zodiacal light to shine through. This glow is due to sunlight reflected by dust shed by countless comets over the eons.
These comets all had short-period orbits, most taking only 20 years or
less to circle the Sun. Over time, it’s inevitable that such comets
would have their orbits heavily influenced by the massive presence of
Jupiter; in fact, it’s likely they started as comets on much, much
larger orbits, but a close pass by Jupiter bent their paths inward
toward the Sun. This warmer environment disintegrated the ice holding
the comets together, so as they slowly died they sloughed off megatons
of dust.
The orbits of all the planets are aligned fairly well, forming a flat
disk: the plane of the solar system. The Earth does too, so we’re in
that plane and we see it edge-on, a line across the sky. It passes
through a series of constellations, which means the Sun and planets
always travel through those constellations. As a group we call them the
Those “Jupiter family comets” orbited the Sun in the same plane as
the planets, too, so their dust does as well. Put it all together, and
you get the lovely term zodiacal light.
So think on this as you look at the picture: That lovely glowing beam
apparently spotlighting Venus is actually a vast, flat cloud of dust,
circling the Sun out by Jupiter; all that remains of a billion long-dead
comets feebly reflecting the fierce light of the Sun so very far away.
See? Certainly the immediate beauty of the picture catches your eye, but it’s the reality behind it that catches your brain.
Tip o’ the lens cap to the Earth Science Picture of the Day.
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