
Blog dedicated primarily to randomly selected news items; comments reflecting personal perceptions

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

"Practicing the Truth in Jesus Through Medicine"

"Once you're injected, the life-saving vaccination process has already begun. You can't unring a bell. It's just not physically possible."
"The transaction process for the mRNA vaccine is fairly quick. Basically, by the time you get out to your car, sorry, the magic has already started."
"I think it is actually a good sign that these 'How to undo your vaccine' videos are taking off. It suggests that a lot of those people who previously were saying 'vaccines are terrible and I will never do it' are, actually, doing it."
Angela Rasmussen, virologist, adjunct professor, University of Saskatchewan
Woman bathing at the retro bathroom
A bath may help you relax after getting vaccinated but it's not going to "undo" the effects of the Covid-19 vaccine. Plus, why would you want to undo the effects? (Photo: Getty)

What does an osteopath know that a medical practitioner specializing in virology doesn't know? Well, for starters, how to "detoxx the vaxx". And Georgia-based osteopathic doctor Carrie Madej proceeded to gift her knowledge through a viral video on TikTok claiming a bath with certain 'non-harmful' ingredients will do the trick and 'detoxx the vaxx' for anyone unfortunate enough to have relented under mandates and received an anti-COVID vaccine. 

Anti-vaxxer strategists are skilled in persuading the gullible of the inherent dangers of vaccines, and in their self-assured remedies in vaccine avoidance promote the dangers of flying in the face of science to avoid inoculation, thus placing themselves and the community around them at risk. Speak with enough confidence and any number of people uncertain of how they should react to unusual circumstances will flock to hear and to breathe a sigh of relief that someone knowledgeable, a credible source, has solved your uncertainty for you.

Taking a bath of baking soda and Epsom salts is the thing to do, according to Madej's formula expressed on her website. For the simple expedient of that critical bath will provide  'radiation detox' extracting radiation actively within the vaccine. Bentonite clay to remove the 'poison' and borax the cleaning agent will 'take the nanotechnology out of you'. Simple, effectively dangerously wrong, bordering on the criminal, yet leavened with comicality.

Osteopath Madej is giving her profession a bad name. Yet her website states that she is 'practising the truth in Jesus through medicine'. What could possibly go wrong with Christ on the case? A link to a religious exemption form for the vaccine is downloadable from her website for the further convenience of the convinced. After all, she confirmed, COVID-19 injections represent a medical plot, a subterfuge to 'transhumanism'. Presumably on a flat earth.

This woman who speaks with the confidence of the self-assured ignorant is one of many who gain attention and followers because of their anti-vaccination stance.Validating the suspicion that many people hold dear, and offering alternative pathways to infection with COVID. People are uncomfortable with the impression that they are being tunnelled into a no-escape funnel with vaccination at the other end.

Misinformation running amok on social media has given viral headaches to scientists in the field of medicine and illness-avoidance. Most are supportive of vaccine mandates leading to a protected public. And they are averse to recommendations of cupping therapy as a remedial alternative to vaccination. It occurred to Dr.Rasmussen that she would speak from the pulpit of her profession to encourage people to think a little more deeply and then reject the kind of advice that those like osteopath Carrie Madej dispense.

Anti-vaccination protesters in South Africa holding placards saying "we are not guinea pigs"
There was a small protest in South Africa a week after a Covid-19 vaccine trial started in Johannesburg   AFP

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