
Blog dedicated primarily to randomly selected news items; comments reflecting personal perceptions

Sunday, July 03, 2022

The Tyranny of the Woke Cancel Clause

"I penned an irritated tweet in response to one of the latest happenings on the increasingly heated culture war front."
"There are no rules on Twitter except don't do what we don't like today."
"They are always applied post-hoc by algorithms and idiots bent on maintaining their woke superiority."
"If I can't be let back on because I won't apologize, I couldn't care less."
Jordan Peterson, clinical psychologist, author, professor emeritus, University of Toronto

"We are committed to combating abuse motivated by hatred, prejudice or intolerance, particularly abuse that seeks to silence the voices of those who have been historically marginalized."
"For this reason, we prohibit behaviour that targets individuals or groups with abuse based on their perceived membership in a protected category."
Twitter Social Media Platform
Elliot Page arrives at the Canadian premiere of "There"s Something In The Water" in 2019

The Canadian-born actor, formerly known as Ellen Page, said he could not "begin to express how remarkable it feels to finally love who I am enough to pursue my authentic self. I love that I am trans. And I love that I am queer," he wrote on Twitter.  Reuters

Has there ever been a time in human history where so many people have been more confused about their sex and gender identity? A time when the term 'transgender' must now elicit from one and all, sensitivity of understanding that those born male or born female, adjudged to be such by outward external appearances of genitalia as identification may seek to transform themselves to the opposite gender on the basis of emotionally feeling themselves to be 'other' than their birth designation.

The new progressively 'woke' generation that will not for one moment hesitate to congratulate a woman for deciding she is really a man and henceforth address her as he or they in the preferred parlance of emotive sensitivity, feels it to be fully socially justified to accept protestations of denial of birth sex for the chosen gender the subject feels most comfortable in. And so, overnight, people accept that those they once took for male are now female and must be recognized as such, and vice versa.

The acceptance of what might once have been considered the confusion of delusion is so accepted within society at large in the Western sphere of the Earth's inhabitants that children of five are now being introduced in elementary schools to the child-confusing musing that they may not, after all, be what and who they think they are. That boys are not necessarily boys and girls need not, of persuasion, be girls; each is whatever they feel is most suited to their frame of mind.
Elliot Page speaking to Oprah Winfrey
Page told Oprah Winfrey transitioning allowed him to "feel comfortable in my body for probably the first time"   Apple TV
Parents are forbidden to discuss such matters in a way to persuade their children that such confusion is normal and a temporary aberration that passes as children grow older and more comfortable in the maturity of their characters. And nor are parents asked to give permission that their children be indoctrinated into this fluid-gender psychosis that has stormed the world and which has elicited such grave respect within the medical and ethics and justice community where educators have enrolled their services as a public social duty.

A man recognized publicly both for his professional credits and his lack of enthusiasm for the current situation, Dr.Peterson's name is associated with instructing the public and particularly men how best they may improve themselves and self-confidence, as examples of self-responsible and self-respecting partners in society who has gained a large following who respect his experience and expertise in human foibles and interrelationships, has now once again, been placed in a position of censorship.

He expressed his professional and personal opinion on the surgical removal of a young woman's breasts at her request to enable her to feel more comfortable in her preferred status as a man. That this woman called a man by empathetic onlookers and subscribers to the legitimacy of gender transformation at will chose to excise from her body conformation one of the two most compelling sex-identification areas of a woman's body strikes him and others who believe as he does, that this is misguided and self-injurious.
Elliot Page
Elliot Page posted the first public picture of himself post-top surgery.  Instagram/@ElliotPage 
Jordan Peterson expressed his view that the surgeon who performed the operation -- removing this woman believing herself to be a man's breasts -- defied his own professional creed's signal purpose as healers, and as he dis so, discredited the medical profession's primary premis to "do no harm". What he wrote, using the woman's original female name of Ellen Page, was that she had her "breasts removed by a criminal physician."

For that socially unacceptable comment, the social media platform Twitter has suspended Mr. Peterson from using the platform's full services until such time as he omits the offending statements. Statements made spontaneously in response to an article published in a newspaper where Ellen Page as Elliot Page, is quoted  as professing pride in introducing a trans character in a Netflix show in which she/he stars.

Since Dr. Peterson refuses to withdraw the offending opinion statements, he avers the suspension from the social media platform is effectively a ban since he would "rather die" than delete the statements in question. "Wow, @Jordanpeterson got a twitter strike. No more twitter until he deletes the tweet. Definitely not a free speech platform at the moment", wrote Mikhalia Peterson, Dr. Peterson's daughter, posting a screenshot of the message received by her father notifying him of  his account's diminished status.

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