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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Transwomen Achieving Wins Over Women in Female Sports

"Power lifting is a pure strength sport.",1536&quality=75&strip=all
April Hutchinson
"[Biological] males have a 60 -70 percent advantage over females. It's disheartening. I am the one being punished for speaking the truth."
"[I'm being punished] for speaking up about males competing against females."
"I now face a 2-year ban by the CPU [Canadian Powerlifting Union] for speaking publicly about the unfairness of biological males being allowed to taunt female competitors & loot their winnings."
"Apparently, I have failed in my gender-role duties as ‘supporting actress’ in the horror show that is my #sport right now."
"Naturally, the CPU deemed MY written [private] complaint of the male bullying to be ‘frivolous and vexatious'."
"Two days ago we saw a biological male literally crush the women’s masters powerlifting category by almost 500 pounds, taking away the national records, also the second highest deadlift in powerlifting history."
"So, men don’t have an advantage, right? Okay."
April Hutchinson, London, Ontario
Her powerlifting career has skidded to a halt. A two-year ban has been ordered by the sanctioning body of the Canadian Powerlifting Union on April Hutchinson for having spoken up yet again over the injustice of a 'transwoman' overwhelming her sport; a biological male purporting to be a woman, using his superior male musculature to abduct a female sport from women whose biological properties in strength and endurance are not meant to compete with a male's.
April Hutchinson has been banned from competition for 2 years
April Hutchinson has been banned from competition for 2 years
She is certainly not alone in the dilemma she faces. Other women's sports are similarly invaded by males claiming to be women, salivating at the opportunity to succeed in a sport where as men competing in male sports, they're unable to achieve top spot, but as males competing as female in women's sports, making quite a splash, including in swimming  competitions. 

Frustratingly, in the current social climate of accepting that either male or female can simply state that they are more comfortable with the other gender, they are being accommodated in the gender they select, intrusively entering a domain previously exclusive to the gender they've chosen. Trans activists are known for their leap at the jugular for anyone who might question the ease of transition as opportunistic or pointing out that the science of natural biology identifies two genders only; male or female.
Born male and achieving all the biological properties genetically inherent in masculinity and then deciding dissatisfaction with biological gender is an attitude, perhaps not delusional but sadly abnormal. Most of the transitions appear to be largely male-to-female. Instances where biological males claiming to be female bearing an ongoing attraction sexually to females endanger women's safety. 
And in the case of sports competition, rob women athletes of the gains they have made in equality with men in all fields of human endeavour.  In Ms. Hutchinson's specific case, she has been warned by the CPU not to refer to transgender women competitors as "biological males". The CPU has a formal policy, like many other sports programs, of accepting biological men as transfemales as a reflection of the general social-equality atmosphere prevailing in today's world.
That this is a policy that penalizes women appears not to bother men in the position of making these decisions. Riley Gaines, the NCAA swimmer spoke out against transgender women competing against her along with other biological women and things did not go well for her. None of which has caused Ms. Hutchinson to waver in her determination to correct a situation harmful to women's aspirations, health and safety. 

Trans powerlifter Anne Andres shattered a national powerlifting record in a category for women between ages 40 and 50 -- at a summertime meet in Manitoba -- who make no use of supportive equipment like a squat suit. The women's record for deadlift, an event in which a barbell is hoisted from the ground to thigh level was broken by a biological male now identified as a female.
Leading Ms. Hutchinson to post on social media concerns she has related to "The unrestricted participation of male-born athletes in the women's category of competitive powerlifting". And now she is being punished as a woman protesting an environment whereby a man can state himself to be female and walk handily away with awards meant for women competition.
"The whole thing is disgusting. It's disgraceful. It's disheartening. I've been threatened with suspension. Two weeks ago, I received a letter from my Federation, stating that I cannot call Anne a biological male. It's disheartening that the Federation allows this to happen. I am the one being punished for speaking the truth."
"Obviously, someone had to pay the price for the [International Powerlifting Federation] forcing CPU to be more female-friendly. Let this be a lesson to all female athletes to shut-up and put-up with #SexDiscrimination."

Powerlifter April Hutchinson spoke to "Fox & Friends" in August after a transgender Canadian athlete toppled records in the women's powerlifting division. (Fox News)

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