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Friday, August 16, 2024

The Hateful Vipers In Our Midst

"[There are anti-Israel rallies all around] the imperial core [protesting the countries] arming and funding the genocide that Israel is bringing [against Palestinians]."
"They want to criminalize speaking about the resistance. I spoke about the brave, heroic October 7 operation and the legitimacy of the Palestinian resistance and why I want to get the resistance organizations off the so-called terror list."
"I myself have been arrested and am facing upcoming potential charges for doing nothing more than talking about the legitimacy of the Palestinian armed resistance and Operation Al-Aqsa Flood."
"We stand with the Palestinian resistance and their heroic and brave action on October 7."
Charlotte Kates, international coordinator for Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network
Samidoun identifies itself as a charity, one concerned with the travails of Islamist Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli incarceration. Its operations and actions are charitable only in its enthusiastic support of terrorism as a 'legitimate' arm of Palestinian 'resistance' to Israeli 'occupation'. Occupation in the sense of self-defence by the Jewish state of Israel against decades of Palestinian lethal violence targeting Israel and its Jewish population. A Jewish state that has given citizenship to Palestinians comprising 20 percent of the population. 

Cates, and her husband Khaled Barakat, in fact comprise the bulk of Samidoun's leadership and employees rolled into one. They have been enabled to spew their rancid antisemitism, based in Vancouver, with no blow-back from government at any level, despite their support for Palestinian terrorist groups that appear on the federal government's terrorist list. In very fact, the federal government led by prime minister Justin Trudeau felt it appropriate to sign a contract with Khaled Barakat to teach federal public servants how to identify and deal with racism.

Yet another Liberal government appointee whose readily accessible online support of terrorism and antisemitic outbursts on social media somehow slipped the notice of federal authorities appointing them to positions of trust and influence, such as that of Birju Dattani, a bona fide slanderer of Israel who posted racist-incriminating messages under the pseudonym of 'Mujahid' Dattani, an identity Canada's flaccid intelligence agencies proved incapable of penetrating. All of whom, along with others of their ilk, should be invited to permanently leave Canada.
It is no closed secret that Samidoun is affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, another listed  terrorist group in Canada which both Germany and Israel identify as a terrorist entity. It is clear from the statements issued with pride by Kates that the Hamas terrorist organization is considered a champion of Palestinian interests in their compact with Iran, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the PLFP, and Yemen's Houthis which all share a well-publicized goal of destroying Israel.

Kates had been arrested in a Vancouver police investigation in May of 2024 in reference to language she uttered constituting hate speech at a rally. Despite the arrest there were no charges laid. She was quoted from an interview on Iranian media, Ofogh TV, later translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute. At the "behest of Zionist organizations and political officials", she remarked, police are pursuing hate-crime charges against her. She is lobbying to have Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad removed from Canada's terrorist entity list.

A petition was lodged with the Canadian government by B'nai Brith Canada advocacy group for steps to be taken to have Samidoun representatives deported from Canada. While Barakat is of Palestinian parentage born in a small village outside Jerusalem, Kates appears to have been born in the United States. The hateful bile they spew is no credit to Canada, yet the Trudeau government seems not in the least concerned. A reflection of its inaction at the regular 'protests' seen on Canadian streets that hurl threats at Canada's Jewish population with impunity.

Although her April speech for which charges are yet to be laid was condemned by British Columbia's Premier David Eby, and her arrest was "the right message that needs to be sent", according to the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association has argued that police impeded the woman's free-speech rights. The video interpreted and circulated by MEMRI, was filmed when Kates received the Islamic Human Rights and Human Dignity Award in Iran.

After which she thanked the committee awarding the recognition, emphasizing and lauding "The role of the Islamic Republic in opposing American, Western and Zionist policies, and the support provided by the Iranian people to the resistance in Palestine, Lebanon, and the region."
Social media video shows a speaker praising the October 7 attack on Israel as 'heroic' and 'brave' CTV

"These are resistance fighters. These are our heroes. These are those who are sacrificing so that we can live and speak and struggle and fight."
"These are the people whose blood is being shed to defend humanity and to defend the world."
"When we speak now, after 300 days of genocide, and after 300 days of resistance, we must be clear: October 7, the great Al-Aqsa Flood, changed the world irreversibly."
Charlotte Kate, Samidoun's Hamas champion

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