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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Because It Is a Jewish State

"[In view of yet another individual deliberately placing themselves in harm's way seeking through the passion of displaced moral ardor to intervene in a conflict to which their outrage expresses itself through condemnation of a nation under attack committing to defeat its enemy, the Israeli military] expresses its deepest regret following its enquiry] found that it is highly likely that she [Aysenur Ezgi Eygi] was hit indirectly and unintentionally by [Israeli army] fire which was not aimed at her, but aimed at the key instigator of the riot."
Israel Defense Forces statement
A mourner adds to the growing memorial at Alki Beach during a vigil for Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi on Wednesday. (Jennifer Buchanan / The Seattle Times

The statement was in reference to an 26-year-old American-Turkish activist from Seattle who was killed last Friday in the wake of a demonstration condemning Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria [West Bank]. Shortly after clashes took place between Palestinians and Israeli forces, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi was killed in a misadventure, one that is not uncommon in war zones. The event of a weekly demonstration against settlement expansion that has been taking place for years, saw Eygi, volunteering with the group International solidarity Movement taking part in a stone-throwing event.

The never-ending violent surges since the Israel-Hamas conflict initiated by the terrorist Palestinian Hamas having dispatched thousands of Hamas operatives on a mission to despoil, rape, loot, mutilate and murder Israeli citizens from infants to the elderly was the occasion of Eygi's misfortune. As Palestinian terrorist continue to attack Israelis, counter-attacks by Israelis on Palestinian terrorists whether they are located in Gaza or the West bank have roiled the Territories.

That classic observation that 'violence begets violence' is never so true as it is in the Middle East; in particular between those who name themselves as Arab Palestinians (as opposed to Jews more familiarly before 1948 referred to as 'Palestinians', dating back to the era of the Roman occupation of the Middle East.) Current Arab Palestinians embrace a fiction of victimhood in the belief that the ancestral geography of ancient Judean lands is their inheritance, not the patrimony of Jewish descendants.

Palestinian terrorism is devoted to the aspirational destruction of the state of Israel. In the absence of the Jewish state, the opportunity for the entire area to become a state dedicated to Palestinian Arabs motivates Palestinians to adopt a death cult clamouring for the death of Jews and the disappearance of Israel. Since Israel's 1948 resurrection on a tiny sliver of land representing the much greater area that was once Judean, Arab Palestinians have rejected any opportunity given them to found a state of their own, neighbouring Israel.

Their death cult indoctrinates Palestinians from childhood into the belief that it is their destiny to sacrifice their lives for the greater good of achieving the destruction of Israel and the consequential establishment of their longed-for state; not merely in the areas offered them by the United Nations in its Partition Plan, but 'from the river Jordan to the Mediterranean sea' in Israel's absence from the geography. Their leaders from 1948 forward have rejected every opportunity to achieve peace with Israel, acknowledge its sovereign presence, and establish their own state alongside that of Israel.

Palestinians, in line with their celebration of martyrdom for their 'cause' revel in the sacrifices their supporters, including Palestinians make, paying honorariums to Palestinians who commit terrorism against Israel, and giving generous endowments to the families of those whose lives are taken in the process. Terrorist action is commemorated by street- and event-naming in honour of those who willingly die for the 'cause'. 

The death of Aysenur Ezi Eyi became an event by the Palestinian Authority in a funeral procession that took place for Eygi in Nablus, while Turkish authorities plan on repatriating her body to Turkey, in acord with her family's wishes. Condemnation of Israel for all such events, inevitable to a degree in the fog of war comes easily in the West, and in partular from the United Nations, whose UNRWA body which enshrines the permanancy of 'refugeee status' to all Palestinians, generation after generation, encourages and supports the Palestinian 'struggle' against 'occupation'.
While those in the United States and Ramallah cast aspersions on Israel and its military under duress of war and unending attacks by Palestinians, fulminating about a 'foreign army' killing an 'American citizen', the very fact that an American citizen saw fit to place herself among others decrying the violence forced upon Israel, and seeing fit to denounce Israeli Jews for ensconcing themselves in an area in antiquity Judean while a non-indigenous group claim it as their own, demonstrates the will to demonize Israel and isolate and slander it because it is a Jewish state.
Hundreds attended Ms Eygi's funeral in the West Bank city of Nablus on Monday   EPA

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