
Blog dedicated primarily to randomly selected news items; comments reflecting personal perceptions

Friday, October 04, 2024

Jews -- Reliant on None But Themselves

"While many different communities have been targeted, the greatest increase has been against the Jewish community by 69 percent. We strongly encourage the reporting of any suspected hateful act to police."
"[The Toronto Police Service's hate crime unit investigates] every reported instance of hate, including on the ground at demonstrations to gather evidence and investigate any suspected hate crimes of hate speech or signage. This includes the presence of flags that promote terrorist organizations as identified by Public Safety Canada. We remind everyone that charges can be laid at any time."
"But let me be clear, hate has no place in Toronto, and we stand united in protecting our diverse communities. We know emotions are intense and as demonstrations continue we must balance the right to assembly with the need to maintain public order and public safety."
"We have seen assaults on officers, including the use of weapons and physical attacks. These actions are dangerous for everyone."
"Marked police vehicles will be patrolling some communities with static red and blue lights on their rooftop bars to enhance visibility. In addition, three mobile command posts will be stationed in Jewish neighbourhoods, one at Bathurst and Glencairn, another at Bathurst and Sheppard, and a third at Bathurst and Finch."
"...[Another mobile command post] will be deployed to various mosques across the city."
"The Toronto Police Service will be a visible and reassuring presence for as long as is necessary."
Toronto Police Service Chief of Police Myron Demkiw
Toronto skyline stands on the waterfront. REUTERS/Mark Blinch

Following the October 7, 2023 Hamas terrorist savagery in southern Israel, its repercussions have echoed in surprising ways across the world, and no less so than in Canada. Despite the demonstrated reality of thousands of terrorists running amok in a gory bloodbath of rape, mutilation, mass murder and hostage taking as they overran farming communities in Israel across the border from Gaza, killing 1,200 Israelis including infants, their young parents, girls and women, soldiers and foreign farm workers, the world has failed to empathize with the plight of Jews in the aftermath of that savage pogrom.

Instead, there has been a steady rise in antisemitism, and with it, the glorification of the very terrorist hordes that inflicted sadistic atrocities on mostly Israeli civilians, along with looting and destroying kibbutzim. The Nova Music Festival that attracted thousands of young people for a celebration of the new year, of youthful companionship and of life's celebrations through the language of music, turned into a hideous torment of killing, the events videoed by the terrorists themselves as they went from venue to venue, laughing, slaughtering, enjoying the visceral carnage of proto-humanity.
That event saw Jew-hate and accompanying reports of hate crimes surge in Canada's largest, most populated city of Toronto. For the year 2024 so far, a 40 percent increase over the first nine months of last year has been documented. Since October 7, 72 protest-related arrests have been made by Toronto police. Given the fact that since that fateful day of October 7, over 1,500 demonstrations by those identifying themselves as 'pro-Palestinian' have taken place, 72 arrests given the hate-mongering, threats and intimidation displayed by Palestinian and Muslim groups aided and abetted by unions and the left, doesn't seem much of a response to such criminal activities.!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/firebombing-synagogue.jpg
Police investigators examine the exterior of a synagogue in Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Que., where an incendiary device was ignited in November. (Francois Joly/Radio-Canada)
The firebombing, vandalizing, live gunshots at Jewish community centres, parochial schools, synagogues and private Jewish businesses, along with violently threatening marches through Jewish communities in Toronto, has in fact, seen a feeble effort on the part of police in Toronto. A reflection of what has been occurring elsewhere in Canada, from Montreal to Vancouver, Halifax to Calgary. Canada's Jewish population is one-quarter the size of its Muslim population, and it tells. Since it is, after all, the Muslim population led by Palestinians that has been perpetuating this violence in persecuting Jewish Canadians.

Toronto police have "conducted thousands of proactive visits to schools, places of worship and community centres to ensure the safety and security of our residents". An approach that is of questionable value when the school administrators and school boards all appear to have been infected with the virus of celebrating Palestinian victimhood grievances, themselves persecuting their Jewish students, from elementary school to high school, to the university level where faculty has taken up the new DEI-inspired conscience of 'anti-colonialism' and Israel is identified as the ultimate colonizer.,1720046134540/full/max/0/default.jpg?im=Crop%2Crect%3D%280%2C0%2C1919%2C1079%29%3BResize%3D%28620%29
Demonstrators have now cleared a pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of Toronto’s downtown campus. Still from video
Seated in its historical ancestral homeland in the Middle East, where Israel is the quintessential liberal-democratic melting pot of Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Baha'i  belying the left's favourite charge against Israel as an 'apartheid' state, the anti-Israel legations throughout the West paint Jews in the Middle East as imperial colonialists, a charge that reality and history challenge with the proof that Jews are indigenous to the Middle East and in particular to their heritage Judean lands latterly occupied by Arabs largely from Egypt, Jordan and Syria who claim 'Palestine' for their own.
Police and politicians in Canada are functionally incapable of mentioning their efforts to come to grips with antisemitism without also mentioning the evils of 'Islamophobia'. And while the federal government under Justin Trudeau's governing Liberal party has been no friend to the fellow democracy that is Israel, it has long sought to garner support at the ballot box from the Canadian-Muslim voting bloc, adding an outsize number of Muslim Members of Parliament to its cabinet in the most inappropriate positions.
Typically, now in Canada, as elsewhere in the world and has been the 'norm' throughout history, Jews everywhere from Israel to the great diaspora dispersed throughout the globe, have been taught through sad experience that their safety and security, their future and that of their children is in their own hands for Jews cannot rely on others to lend support on an issue of trust and justice and the very perpetuation of Jewish existence and the legitimacy of Israel.

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