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Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Staggering Liberal Hypocrisy

"Whether it is online or on our streets, hateful words [and] actions are having a devastating impact on our communities and our entire country, whether it is our mosques being attacked, communities being divided or even losing loved ones."
"We cannot allow hate to go unchecked, the cost of inaction is far too great."
Canada's Liberal government's diversity Minister Kamal Khera
The Trudeau government is announcing more details on its existing strategy and funding to fight hate crimes. Kamal Khera, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, rises during question period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick
It is perhaps to be expected that this Liberal government in Canada with Justin Trudeau at its helm, a prime minister who appointed an interesting number of Muslims to vital cabinet positions and who expresses his sentiments about racism's intolerance and its destructive impact on the social cohesion of the country that was Canada, would appoint yet another Muslim to the sensitive role of 'diversity' and 'inclusion'. Minister Kamal Khera made the above statements while standing outside a mosque located in Brampton, just outside Toronto, the country's largest, most populous city.

Justin Trudeau could never utter the word antisemitism without linking and prefacing it with 'islamophobia'. In a country where hate crimes committed against Jews are prominently in the majority; the small Jewish community in Canada is the recipient of most hate crimes, with the LGBTQ+ community and the Muslim community with its far greater domestic numbers coming in a distant third. For a position as sensitive as this one, the principal requirement should have been to name a neutral, not-personally-involved candidate.

It is, in very point of fact, obvious to anyone who reads the news, that it is the Jewish community that is overwhelmingly intimidated, threatened, harassed and victimized by Muslim and Arab Palestinian residents of Canada whose ancient vendetta against Jews make them less than ideal citizens when they bring their psychopathic pathologies with them to Canada and act out their hostilities in the public arena.

Yet the federal government appears not to notice how embattled the Jewish-Canadian demographic is in this country when Palestinian groups of agitators in Canada, some of them from groups proscribed elsewhere, and all of them championing terrorist groups on Canada's own terrorist list, publicly declare their admiration and support for Islamist terrorism and atrocities committed against Jews in the Middle East. 
Jewish businesses in Canada are vandalized, synagogues, community centres and parochial schools are fire-bombed and shot at, bands of anti-Jewish, pro-Hamas supporters besiege Jewish neighbourhoods with marches and threats, and yet Canada's hate laws are forgotten for defense of Jews in Canada.

It is open season for hate-mongers flouting social cohesion and normalcy in Canada, flaunting their freedom to taunt and mock Jews in Canada, threaten and intimidate, close down access to Jewish hospitals and set up 'protest' camps at Canadian universities for months at a time, denying entry to Jewish students, charging them with the crime of Zionism making them unfit to share public spaces and incapable of accessing private areas where hostile trespassers claim the right to vet their presence.

Yet with all the hostile and criminal actions directed toward alienating Jewish Canadians from non-Jewish society and institutions in Canada, this diversity minister whose portfolio is meant to encompass concern for the rights, justice and equality of all Canadians, emphasizes the manufactured plight of the Muslim community, the very community out of which the faithful, spurred by Friday sermons by imams sourced from abroad are made to feel justified in their violent antipathy toward Jews.

This minister responds to a government which boasts of its plans and strategies to fight the rise in hate crimes that target specific communities through a new tactic: the Action Plan on Combatting Hate, meant to coordinate various government departments' diversity in the prevention of violent incidents in online speech that targets minorities. Statistics Canada is cited in reporting an increase in hate crimes involving Jews, Muslims, LGBTQ+ groups among others.

Yet one of the championed groups is solely responsible for the sordid and vicious campaigns of discrediting, violating human rights and threatening the Jewish-Canadian group through constant persecution; instead of being held to account by the agencies created to combat hate, the persecutors are listed as the persecuted. 

The federal government plans to fund its anti-hate program to the tune of  $273.6 million over a six-year period. Its diversity minister breaks it down to $65 million to assist community institutions and religious centres' cost of installing cameras or hiring security guards. And while the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs feels the additional funding is "very welcome as many institutions have been stretched beyond capacity" with Jewish schools shot at, synagogues vandalized and Jewish businesses set on fire, funding only bandages the growing incidence of antisemitism.

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