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Monday, December 01, 2008

Dammit, Mr. Prime Minister!

What on earth have you done? The cautiously intelligent Prime Minister Stephen Harper stands accused and is found guilty of consorting with someone of low character; none other than the Stephen Harper political-ideologue who has given him a false sense of security and infected him with the nauseating, self-defeating arrogance that saw him snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

We placed such faith in you, Mr. Harper. You were performing your duties as prime minister of Canada in a credible, responsible and sober manner, doing credit to the office and to your constituents. All those people who decided to throw caution to the winds and accept you for what you claimed you were; good prime ministerial material. Why did you succumb to the dreadful advice given you by that other Stephen Harper?

What truly is the matter with you? You could have had a majority - even a slight majority - government in the election just past. It was obvious that's precisely what you were aiming for, and for the most part the electorate was ready to hand it to you. Then you brought in that awkward, totally unnecessary diversion of cut-backs to the arts. The pay-back of which you are still living with.

I don't have to remind you of all the prospective seats that might have been yours in Quebec. Pushing the wrong buttons, Mr. Prime Minister. Now, here you are, ensconced with a larger minority, having won the confidence of sufficient voters to place you there, placing you there on the basis of your past performance. Where, although you succumbed from time to time to provoking the Opposition, you also occasionally, consulted.

This second time around, you said, would be different. You were aiming for a civil Parliamentary session, leaving that old dysfunctional one behind in history, a learning experience. The country needs a steady hand at this time, and we most certainly require the reliant confidence in a mature man of high integrity - which is what we were led to believe you exemplified.

So why indulge your lesser self in that mean-spirited, partisan way at such a time? You've enabled that lame duck Stephane Dion to strut the landscape loudly quacking about his timely intervention on behalf of the people of Canada, when the voters soundly rejected him and his party. Now, if his alliance with the NDP and Jack Layton, with the separatist-oriented support of the Bloc proves successful in persuading the Governor General that they've the upper hand we'll be stuck with them.

People shudder and wince at the very idea of it. It may be construed as completely constitutional, but it most certainly is not anyone's idea of democratic action, to wrest control of Parliament from a duly elected government, and hold the country hostage to the delusionary ambitions of a Stephane Dion, a Jack Layton and a Gilles Duceppe. And how long before that triumvirate dissolves into bitter acrimony?

Mr. Harper, before you apologize to your better self, you owe the Canadian electorate an apology. We expected far better from you.

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