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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Israel Searches Fruitlessly in an Ally from Canada

"Canada has been actively engaged and strategically planning from the outset; we remain vigilant about the escalating tensions in the region."
"The government of Canada's ability to provide consular services during an active conflict may be limited."
"There is no guarantee the Canadian government will evacuate Canadians in a crisis situation."
Jean-Pierre J. Godbout, spokesperson, Global Affairs Canada
Originally news out of Canada was that should a full-scale war erupt between Israel and Hezbollah -- effectively the government and military of the country, answerable to no government seated in Beirut, only to the Islamic Republic of Iran which holds Lebanon captive to its commanding Shi'ite axis -- plans were afoot to see Canada extricate some 45,000 Lebanese who hold dual Canadian citizenship. Of the 35,000 Israeli-Canadians living in Israel, no word on Canada's intentions.
In an earlier conflict between Israel and Hezbollah/Lebanon in 2006, Canada scrambled to evacuate about 15,000 Lebanese holding Canadian citizenship and faced criticism from Canadians who felt it inappropriate that their tax dollars were spent on the venture to rescue those who did not live in Canada, did not pay taxes in Canada, held no loyalty to Canada, and who returned to Lebanon at the earliest opportunity once hostilities ceased.
But this is the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau, a government of Canada, unlike previous governments, that has chosen to cast a  hostile eye on a fellow democracy that has been attacked by a terrorist organization governing the Gaza Strip and its fellow terrorist group operating out of Lebanon, both supported, funded and armed by the Islamic Republic of Iran and Qatar. Iran operatives are known to be embedded in Canadian political, academic and union circles spreading their cancer of antisemitism.

A situation well known to the Trudeau government but studiously ignored even though the expatriate Iranian-Canadian community has urged Justin Trudeau and his cabinet to be more proactive in investigating the activities of the Republic's representatives in Canada and to free Canadian-Iranians of the persecution they suffer in Canada by these infiltrated agents, by ordering them out of Canada. 

Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Melanie Joly, held a conversation with her Israeli counterpart, Israel Katz, a tense exchange between the two certainly not reflective of two collegial Liberal-democratic nations. Joly affirming Canada's intention to evacuate tens of thousands of Lebanese with Canadian passports, and Katz urging Canada through Joly, to place diplomatic pressure on the Republic to rein in their terrorist proxy. "The window of opportunity" to avoid war, he stressed, "is closing".

The rain of rockets Hezbollah lobs from Lebanon into Israel has resulted in 60,000 Israelis forced to withdraw from their homes in northern Israel, joining the Israelis who were forced to vacate their homes in kibbutzim in southern Israel, raided, looted and destroyed by Hamas terrorists when they flooded into Israel on October 7 to indulge in their planned mission of rape, mutilation and mass slaughter.

On this occasion, when once again Israel has no choice but to militarily respond to Hezbollah's rocket-declared war assaults, the issue of "convenience Canadians" is again surfacing.  In 2006, a Member of Parliament asked whether "someone who does not reside in Canada or pay taxes here (should) be rescued by the taxpayers of Canada just because they have dual citizenship?" Changes to the Citizenship Act ensued.
Smoke billows after an Israeli air strike that targeted a house in the southern Lebanese village of Khiam, near Israel's northern border with Lebanon, June 21, 2024. (Rabih Daher / AFP

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