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Friday, July 19, 2024

Courting Controversy for Publicity

"[The running shoe was designed more than 50 yeas ago and was] worn in sport and culture around the world."
"We are conscious that connections have been made to tragic historical events -- though these are completely unintentional -- and we apologize for any upset or distress caused."
"As a result we are revising the remainder of the campaign. We believe in sport as a unifying force around the world and will continue our efforts to champion diversity and equality in everything we do."
Adidas spokesperson
"Thoughtless actions like this only embolden Israel haters and anti-Semites ahead of the Paris Olympics scheduled to start next week with an Israeli delegation that has already been repeatedly threatened with violence."
Sacha Roytman, CEO, Combat Antisemitism Movement
Adidas advert featuring Bella Hadid  Adidas
  • "How can a company say they hate Jews without saying they hate Jews I wonder..." X
  • "First Kanye and now another antisemite to celebrate the Munich Massacre? You hate Jews and learned nothing..." X
  • "This is not a mistake, it's by design..." X
"At the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, 11 Israelis were murdered and taken hostage by Palestinian terrorist group Black September."
"For Adidas to pick a vocal anti-Israel model to recall this dark Olympics is either a massive oversight or intentionally inflammatory. Neither is acceptable." 
American Jewish Committee
A sport shoe first launched at the 1972 Munich Olympics is being re-released by German sportswear company Adidas. Its advertising campaign for the new release has earned the company an avalanche of criticism, mostly from Jewish groups, but also from the state of Israel itself, citing the company's insensitivity -- whether inadvertent or deliberate, to draw attention to its campaign -- as egregious. 

The company advertisement, released on Jul 15 read: "First unveiled in 1972, the introduction of the SL72 sneaker was the spark plug that initiated a paradigm shift in the realm of running shoes." Grandiose language for a running shoe, and totally inexcusable in its context of signing a contract with a Palestinian-American supermodel, notorious for her antisemitic opposition to Israel. 

Dazed and Confused Magazine posted on X its take on the launch: "First introduced as a runners' shoe for the 1972 Olympic games in Munich", which brought swift responses from social media users concerned over the choice of individual contracted with to represent the campaign lead. Since October 7, Bella Hadad has been seen to speak out about Palestinian rights. Jewish advocacy groups such as Stand With Us, accuse her of antisemitism.

That she has shared Instagram posts carrying misinformation relating to the Israel-Hamas War has not endeared her to Jewish and Israel advocacy groups. Following the release of four Israeli hostages from Gaza, she shared a post, since deleted, that hostage Almog Meir Jan had been given a birthday cake by his captors. In fact, it was later confirmed that he and others had been abused and were malnourished.
Gotham GC Images
Comments through social media from critics of the company's choice lead for the relaunching of the SL72 sneaker overwhelmed the company. The Munich Massacre that took place at the 1972 Olympics occurred when eight Black September terrorists infiltrated the Olympic village, taking11 Israeli athletes and coaches hostage. All eleven Israelis, as well as a German policeman were ultimately murdered by the terrorists. 

Ahead of this summer's Paris Olympic Games, a small memorial ceremony has been planned to honour the Israeli victims of Palestinian terrorism. It is only too ironic that the Adidas advertising campaign for the shoe that dated to the Munich Massacre was to be led by a Palestinian-American whose politics align with those of the terrorists who committed mass murder, then and now.

In the end, under a steady barrage of criticism, Adidas made the decision to part business company with the supermodel; whether mission accomplished or genuinely regretting their lack of attention to vital details.

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