
Blog dedicated primarily to randomly selected news items; comments reflecting personal perceptions

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Water Shortages and Other Calumnies

Another installation of The Current, with the estimable Anna Maria Tremonti reporting from Jerusalem, this morning. We really do appreciate this program, for it brings into our homes matters of great interest on a great many topics of general, and occasionally, quite particular value to our listening ears. Anna Maria Tremonti, fact is, is a very good interviewer, and her presence of informed gravitas, curiosity and fact-establishing does her credit.

Too bad about her blind spot. Her easily renewed interest in the confrontation between the Palestinians and Israel. Her investment in the steady belief that Israel is a brutal occupying state, as though by preference the country takes steps that invariably impact adversely on the fortunes of the Palestinians. No consideration whatever given to the undeniable facts on the ground, that opportunities presented for 'normalization' of Palestinian lives are shunned by them.

The hushed patience and respect in her voice when she questions Palestinians and those who support the Palestinian cause, is in marked contrast to the impatient and compulsive condemnation evident in her tones when interrogating Jews who support Israel's need to protect itself from the continual assaults against its citizens' security. Her sympathies are manifestly evident. Not for her the objective composure of the seasoned journalist.

There is scant evidence of objective balance, impartiality. That which the listener anticipates as they attend to her dialogue and her monologues. Impartiality is of no evident concern to her as a witness to history. Israel, sadly, can do nothing quite right enough. The severity of her presence in an Arab-dominated geography that threatens her existence is of no moment. The greater scheme of things boils down rapidly to Palestinian misery.

And, not to be forgotten, the water issue. Israel wastes water indiscriminately. And while the country is in the forefront of the science of desalinization, selling her expert technology even to her hostile neighbours, environmentalists concern themselves that this is too energy-intensive a method, and should never be the first line of defence against water shortages.

And it is deplorable that the country takes unto itself the greater proportion of potable water, permitting too little for the use of the Palestinians.

A nation ensconced in a basically arid environment has no business being engaged so deeply in agricultural pursuits. Too water-use-intensive. Israel's pride over its generations in proving itself capable of making the desert bloom is misplaced, we are informed. Its groves of citrus fruits finding their way to foreign markets - even its apple orchards producing glowing orbs for export to - Syria, represents water wastage.

Personally, there are many in North America who have learned to appreciate Israel's produce. All that energy wasted in transporting perishable produce such great geographical distances. But then, we are awash with produce from China, transported quite the distance. And it's buyer beware, using such produce, given what we know about that country's propensity to safety short-cuts, and lack of attention to good hygienic practises.

The Jaffa mandarins, coloured globe peppers, Sharon persimmons grown in Israel and shipped to various parts of the world represent some of the world's finest produce. They come to us fresh and sweet and utterly reliable, unlikely to harbour health-harmful bacteria. But thanks for warning us, Anna Maria Tremonti.

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