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Wednesday, October 09, 2024

"Death to Canada, Death to Israel, Death to the United States"

"Decisions to place an entity on the terrorist listing are made based on the advice of our security and intelligence services, who are continuously assessing entities for possible listing."
"With respect to Samidoun Palestinian Solidarity Network, the Government of Canada is examining the evidentiary record available and considering all options."
Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc spokesperson!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/parliament-20240924.JPG
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre speaks in the House of Commons in Ottawa. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

Marking the first anniversary of the Palestinian terrorists' hideously savage attack on Israeli civilians -- from infants to the elderly, women and girls to border-station soldiers, when thousands of Palestinian terrorists stormed farming villages and the Nova Music Festival in southern Israel, with no lack of evidence given the videos taken and proudly distributed by Hamas terrorists on social media of sadistic horrors being perpetrated -- Samidoun, a 'charitable' organization with status in Canada organized a protest marked for its vindictive hatred against not only Israel and Jews, but Canada itself.

Videos circulating online show a masked woman leading a crowd of hundreds at the Vancouver Art Gallery leading chants of "death to Canada, death to the United States and death to Israel", showing Canadian flags being burned and trodden upon. "We've seen what happens when these groups aren't taken seriously", said Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. He has promised that if his party is elected in the next general election, as Prime Minister, he would outlaw the group and place them on Canada's terrorist list alongside Hamas and Hezbollah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which he adds Samidoun is a front for.
Anti-Israel protesters burn a Canadian flag outside the Vancouver Art Gallery on Monday, October 7, 2024. Photo by @MelissaLantsman/

Public Safety Canada defines the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine as an "Islamist communist group" for which establishing a Palestinian state and "the destruction of Israel" is their reason for existence. It further notes that this was the first of the Palestinian groups to form "suicide squads". Samidoun, posing as a charitable group, has been given charitable status by Revenue Canada despite Jewish community groups pointing out the obvious, that it shills for the PFLP.
Through its chapters established across Canada, Samidoun gains attention through its public statements and the actions taken by its supporters, championing Hamas and the attack of last October in southern Israel. Charlotte Kates, the group's international coordinator, delivered a speech directly following the October 7 pogrom in which she praised the attack as "heroic and brave". She was arrested and directed that she must not participate in rallies or protests.
Outside the House of Commons, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre highlighted her comments, mentioning she had appeared on Iranian television to repeat her statements in support of terrorism against Israel. Following which she visited Tehran where she was applauded and awarded a 'human rights' recognition award. Her very words and sentiments are in direct quotation of the Islamic Republic of Iran whose proxy militias include Hamas, Hezbollah and the Yemen Houthis; all of whom, in her opinion are 'heroes'.
Samidoun, Mr. Poilievre said to reporters, is prohibited in Germany, and acts as "a front for an already banned terrorist group", in reference to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The Samidoun website identifies as a network of "organizers and activists working to build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom". It isn't that long ago that one of the Liberal government's scandals hit the front pages when it was revealed it had signed a contract with Khaled Barakat, a director of Samidoun, and Kates's husband, whom Israel's secret service identifies as a senior figure in the PFLP. Hired by Heritage Canada to lead discussion groups on human rights.

Mr. Poilievre challenged the government of Justin Trudeau to list Samidoun for what it is: a terrorist entity. Listed, a group's assets become frozen and it then becomes a crime for anyone to assist them in their mission. He then accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of doing precisely nothing in the face of flourishing hatred directed against the Canadian Jewish community by organizations such as Samidoun. 
Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly, he pointed out, had refused to condemn phrases such as "from the river to the sea", despite their obvious intents.

The slogan has a readily defined purpose, referring to the destruction of Israel, thus freeing up Israel's ancestral geography to be entirely taken over by the Palestinians who themselves have made it clear they have no intention whatever of suing for a two-state solution; their solution is one state, and it is all Palestinian. The phrase "from the river to the sea", claims supporters of Palestine, is nothing other than a call for freedom for the Palestinians.
Protestors wave Palestine flags outside Queen’s Park during demonstration. (OTR/Laviza Syed).

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