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Sunday, October 06, 2024

High Alert for Canadian Jews in a Country Newly Steeped in Viral Antisemitism

"Within hours of the butchery that killed 1,200 people in Israel last year, protesters in Canada were taking to the streets in pro-Palestinian rallies that openly celebrated the slaughter."
"Soon it was thought acceptable in Canada to tear down posters showing Israeli hostages."
"Large-scale protests erupted on streets and university campuses and Jewish businesses, synagogues and daycare centres were attacked."
"Meanwhile the Liberals added to this fetid atmosphere with a foreign policy that was as inept as it was foul."
Michael Higgins, columnist, National Post
Hamas terrorists stormed the Nova festival on 7 October and murdered hundreds BBC/Nik Millard
Canada's Liberal-led government of prime minister Justin Trudeau has led the way in assuring Canadians of Middle Eastern descent and their surprising number of supporters from among the always simmering-beneath-the-surface sentiments of antisemitism in society that it would be perfectly within the new social contract to criticize the state of Israel for provoking Palestinians and their supporters to the point of their government in Gaza, recognized by previous Canadian governments as terrorists, enacting a modern-day pogrom of rape, torture and mass murder, compelling the Jewish state to conduct protective counter-measures during a state of existential threat.

Within the period of a year that followed the October 7, 2023 atrocities committed by Palestinian terrorists led by Hamas, the Trudeau government and its cabinet ministers have made it clear, both by implication and by overt statements and measures that in their considered opinion Israel is over-reacting to a mere 'incident' of victim-rage enacted by a captive population feeling itself oppressed, exploited and deprived of their sovereign rights by an occupying apartheid imperialist colonialism. Canada is not alone in this peculiar interpretation of a fellow democracy violently assailed by Medieval brutality, but Canada's level of complicity in finding fault with Israel, not the surrounding threats to its existence is outstanding in its mendacity and complicity with that violence.

Never has this government extended itself beyond boilerplate antisemitic condemnation. And never does Justin Trudeau mention antisemitism without adding Islamophobia as an equal evil, despite that it is Muslims in the majority with assistance from their non-Jewish left-leaning woke Canadian demographic who are engrossed in the vile displays of Israel-delegitimization while threatening the Canadian Jewish community and committing violent acts of criminal action against that community.
In the year that followed that mass atrocity of rape, mutilation, human butchery, hostage-taking and the portrayals of terrorists as liberators driven to express their frustration by committing unspeakable acts of depravity, no sincere condemnation has assured Canadian Jews that their government has their best interests in mind. Well demonstrated by the lack of interest, much less any effort at controlling the hundreds of anti-Israel, antisemitic, pro-Hamas rallies and demonstrations that have choked major intersections in Canadian cities in sympathy with the Palestinian drive to wrench Israel from the Middle East, its historical homeland.
But this Liberal government saw fit to support a UN General Assembly motion for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, overturning Canada's traditional balanced view of the historical details of the issue of Israel standing its ground on its ancestral land, which the Palestinians claim as their own, unwilling to recognize the authenticity and legitimacy of the Jewish state, arguing that the land -- all of it, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, is theirs and theirs alone, in a total re-write of history.,1728169073158/full/max/0/default.jpg?im=Crop%2Crect%3D%28155%2C53%2C1764%2C992%29%3BResize%3D%28620%29
A large crowd gathered at the Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg Saturday as the one-year mark of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas draws near.  Still from video

New export permits for military equipment destined for Israel from Canadian manufacturers were no longer to be issued, according to the Trudeau Liberals, who disapprove of the Israel Defense Forces' response to the Hamas atrocities in Gaza. Much less the need for Israel to put a halt to a year's-worth of daily rocketry from Lebanon aimed by Hezbollah at farming communities in northern Israel. And despite proof that UNRWA employees in Gaza represented members of Hamas, some of whom have been charged with taking part in the pogrom of October 7, Canada resumed its funding of UNRWA.

One of Hamas's top commanders was also an employee of UNRWA as a teacher,  using the UNRWA curricula that distinguishes them as anti-Israel propaganda posing as school texts. This is the same United Nations special refugee group for Gaza that keeps the Palestinians in refugee-mode, along with the descendants of the original 700,000 who fled or were forced out of Israel in 1948. Canada's minister of foreign affairs  reaffirmed "our support for UNRWA" at a meeting at the United Nations when she met with the Palestinian Authority prime minister Mohammad Mustafa.
Pro-Palestinian students at an anti-Israel encampment on the campus of McGill University in Montreal. (Photo by Alexis Aubin / AFP)
It is under the Trudeau Liberals with its generosity of cabinet and caucus positions of Canadian Muslims that a decision to advance a Parliamentary committee motion on the issue of Palestinian statehood will be considered -- a motion that supports "the recognition of a viable and independent State of Palestine". Rewarding Palestinian lethal violence, earning Hamas's gratitude. When the reality is that the PA itself has no intention of recognizing the State of Israel, and no intention of settling for a portion of the geography that the United Nations in 1947 offered through their Partition Plan, accepted by Israel, rejected by the Palestinian leadership.

And nor is this Liberal government the least bit interested in curtailing the ongoing Palestinian protests throughout Canada that disrupts society at every level, and continues to harass and threaten the Jewish population in Canada's cities. There are criminal laws against inciting to hatred, none of which have been put into action to stop the Palestinian Youth Movement planning a one-year anniversary of October 7 -- honouring Hamas terrorists as 'martyrs' -- in Montreal at the Israeli consulate.

In Canada, the pro-Palestinian protests deny the realities of Palestinian terrorists committing mass rape and sadistic torture of Israeli girls and women. An investigation published in the New York Times described breasts cut off, nails driven into thighs, women raped and knifed simultaneously, severed heads of women used as trophies and footballs, and the videos taken live by the terrorists themselves "talking, giggling and shouting", raping women before "literally butchering them". Women were found dead by medics and rescue personnel; naked, with hands and feet tied.
The Nova festival was one of the sites of alleged sexual violence on 7 October   EPA

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