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Sunday, April 15, 2012

 Abusing The Host

Canadians have a love affair with the United States.  It is not entirely reciprocated, however, since some love affairs just do not manage to elicit a similar and matching reaction in the object of someone's unsought attentions.  In fact, is it not so that people, be they male or female, who are obsessed to the point of few returns, deciding in their rattled state of emotional upset to follow and confront the object of their passion, are termed 'stalkers', and as such can be ordered to desist at best, and in the worst scenario, found guilty of a criminal offence and incarcerated...?

This 'love affair' of Canadians with the United States consists, for the most part, of Canadians wishing to visit various places in that great country, as a visitor, a guest, a tourist.  There is, after all, much to admire about the country, from its spectacular scenery, its great cities and museums and art galleries, and its popular culture, complete with the, well, seedier side of life.  For its part, the United States encourages tourism - Canadians largely represented among them - to continue visiting and leave behind valuable currency.

In the process of which temporary exchange of citizens some of them invariably run afoul of the law.  Committing crimes for which they are held accountable and as a result, dealt with under the American criminal justice system.  Let's say, through crimes relating for example to drug dealing and importation, all the way to murder.  Commit those crimes in the country you're a visitor in, and you face that country's system of justice.  Sounds fair enough.  The accused/sentenced can bleat for their home country to bring them home to serve out their sentence on more familiar territory.

Then there are the dreadfully despicable crimes committed by grown men against children when those grown men succumb to their sexual;u perverse desires and seek young girls to prowl about and seduce or rape.  One such man, a Canadian, is currently in a jail cell in Virginia.  The man, 48 year-old,Alan Sauve, from Windsor Ontario, has children of his own.  And this deviant predator stalked a 14-year-old girl whom he contacted over the Internet.  His younger daughter is a year junior to the young girl whom this man was planning to 'start a relationship' with.

He sent the young girl nude pictures, purportedly of himself.  Although he was posing as a 16-year-old boy, named Dominic.  Perhaps the girl balked at his demands, for he went so far as to threaten suicide, presumably in an attempt to guilt the girl into relenting and agreeing to meet with him.  At which point he had intended to abduct the girl he had been 'chatting' with.  He claimed he intended to get her pregnant and take her back with him to Windsor.

The girl had , when he continued to press her, spoken to her guidance counsellor at school.  And this is when the local police were brought into this unappealing picture, as an officer thereafter assumed the girl's identity, and the relationship was prolonged in Internet chats over another ten months.  He was arrested on November 13, 2010.  His very explicit 'chats' with the person he believed to be a young girl gave police all the evidential ammunition they required.

For soliciting sex online from a 14-year-old girl, he was arrested, tried, and sentenced by the State of Virginia to 110 years in prison.  The State of Virginia abolished parole, away back in 1994.  Alan Sauve would dearly love to wake up from his ongoing fear of dying in prison, but it appears a fear that is well justified, and it represents a situation he himself engineered.  In Virginia, his sentence represents the minimum for a crime such as he was involved in.

"No physical, visual or verbal contact and I get the death penalty?  That's what I call it; 110 years is a death penalty." Would an actual death penalty carried out by the state seem more acceptable to him?  His life has been spared, he may now serve out his sentence as a dangerous, caged animal would.  As a dedicated child molester intent on satisfying his sexual urges with a child, he does represent a dangerous animal, one best put away to protect society.

Alan Sauve considers his 110-year jail term "a death penalty".  Spot on.

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